Obstacles & Fields of Fire. AO Falcon is a densely urban area with a major highway to the south and a series of city blocks cut by paved two lane roads.
Avenues of Approach. North edge of town has some broken trees and farmland that provides partial cover. South edge is divided by the highway but has ditches and micro terrain that provide cover as well as small villages within tree patches. West advance is fortified by an old Iraqi camp and has thick tree conglomeration. East approach is open flat terrain with little to no cover.
Key Terrain. Each OBJ building is a towering multi story complex that offers clear fields of fire over most of the city. On the west edge is the refinery complex which has the most limited fields of fire but is the easiest to defend. To the south is the Al-Hadfa hamlet which may provide a good stepping stone into the town.
Cover and Concealment. Each approach has a unique challenge, but generally the city has urban clutter and discarded vehicles.
Weather. Clear and Hot.
Time and Light Conditions. The sun has set and it will increase in brightness as the moon comes to dominate the sky.
Enemy Forces.
Size. Remnants of Local Iraqi forces mixed with Syrian airborne reinforcements by an AT Company.
Capabilities. Enemy is mainly a remnant of Iraqi mechanized militia augmented by Syrian Airborne units that have integrated into this local force. They utilize AKs and RPGs. Manpad threat around this city has been mitigated and Air operations are clear. Drone and ISR assets have reported Electronic Interference and it is assumed that the enemy is operating an Electronic Warfare unit within the city.
Recent Activity. Enemy has been seen planting IEDs and arraying AT assets at each OBJ in an attempt to receive the incoming TF thunder.
Expected Course of Action. Enemies are likely to focus fighting power at the OBJ strongpoints but will likely have alley ways denied by IEDs and supporting positions hampering attacks at the strongpoints. AT assets are expected in the OBJ buildings. Each OBJ is expected to have 3 AT systems that are key to the enemy defense. Many will be hidden and brought out when TF thunder is sighted.
Friendly Forces
Higher Units. TF Thunder - Commanding
Adjacent Units. TF Thunder is 14 hours behind us and has detached its screening forces to FOB Fleat in order to begin preparatory operation ahead of its entrance to the AO. Elements of 1st Cav have come to provide security to FOB Flea and conduct shaping operations.
Supporting Units. 432d Wing (USAF) Drone Support.
Civilian Considerations. Civilian evacuation has been noted in the AO ahead of our operation, but civilians have still been visually confirmed within the city. Refinery is Confirmed 100% clear of Civilians and clear to Aviation strikes.
Attachments/Detachments. NA
10th RR is to conduct multiple raids to destroy enemy AT assets at each OBJ building. 10th RR is to avoid an attempt to clear the whole town and limit activity to rapid entrance and exits at each OBJ using mobility to avoid becoming bogged in the city.
Ammunition & Reinsertion will be provided by 160th SOAR assets or via ground ferry. No reinforcements will be brought in via teleportation.
This operation is projected to have engagement distances within 600 meters.
Operation Foxhole
Execute: 1800 2/14/2025 Sa’hatra
Mission loads in at 1700
Task Organization: 10RR
10th RR is to conduct multiple raids to destroy enemy AT assets at each OBJ building. 10th RR is to avoid an attempt to clear the whole town and limit activity to rapid entrance and exits at each OBJ using mobility to avoid becoming bogged in the city.
I. Scorpion (Zeus)
Grey, Charles